Shell Voicings for Guitar - Part 2
In the previous lesson we looked at three shell voicings that can be used for a major II-V-I progression. In that chord pattern, the roots of the II and the I chords were on the A string. In this lesson we will learn a second pattern that places roots of the II and I chords on the E string. (In Shell Voicings for Guitar - Part 3 we’ll apply the combined two patterns, and the six hand positions they use will provide the basic chord voicings needed to play through a large number of tunes and popular songs.)
As you practice these patterns, be sure to keep track of the names of each chord you are playing for future reference.
Major II-V-I Pattern #2

These chord voicings can be fingered in various ways. Typically the index finger would play the root of the II and I chords, and the second finger would play the root of the V chord.
Refer back to the previous lesson for the major II-V-I reference sheet, or use the random key chord progressions below to memorize these patterns or quiz yourself.
Once you have memorized Pattern #1 and Pattern #2 of the major II-V-I shell voicings, proceed to Shell Voicings for Guitar - Part 3 to combine and use them in a jazz standard.