Using Jamulus
For Jazz Night School's Live Online Combos, students will convene weekly via a Jamulus server to learn and work on music, and play together in real-time from remote locations.
Components required to use Jamulus are an audio microphone (or two), plus mic-to-computer interface, a wired connection to a modem/internet router, headphones (preferably "closed-ear"), and possibly a headphone amplifier.
Needed for Live Online Combos
- Computer and access to the internet
- Modem/router that you can connect to using an ethernet cable - DO NOT USE WIFI
- Ethernet cable (just mentioned)
- Free Jamulus software. Instructions and access to downloads:
- USB audio interface "Input Box" (such as Behringer UM2, Scarlett Solo or 2i2, or others, $50-$200)*
- Microphone(s), mic cable(s), and mic stand(s):
- One each, if your instrument is acoustic and can pick up your speaking voice well enough.
- One each, if your instrument is electric and you just need a speaking microphone (keyboards, electric guitars, etc. plug directly into your USB audio interface "Input Box").
- Two each, if your instrument is acoustic and the mic placement you need for your instrument does not pick up your voice when you speak. *If you need two mics, your USB audio interface "Input Box" will need to accept two mics.
- 1/4" cable if you play an electric instrument
- Headphones (SPEAKERS WILL NOT WORK): Over-ear headphones are best to block direct sound from your instrument (if acoustic). NOTE: Be sure you have the correct connection/plug for the headphone jack on your USB audio interface "Input Box". Some headphones use 1/4" plugs and some use mini plugs.
- Headphone amplifier and cable to connect to "Input Box" (this is optional and needed only if your "Input Box" headphone output is not strong enough). Jazz Night School is using Rockville RHPA4 headphone amps ($30).
Tips for using Jamulus
Once you have your equipment working and you are connected to the Jazz Night School Jamulus "rehearsal room" (server name to be provided in your registration confirmation), you will hear everyone present in the “room” in your headphones. When playing music with others in Jamulus, the three main things to pay attention to are:
- The volume of your instrument, should be loud enough to send good volume to others. This is set with the level controls on your USB audio interface "Input Box".
- Your headphone mix, i.e., how loud you and each person are in your headphones, and where they are panned in your headphones. Panning helps you separate and hear each person you're playing with. Volume and pan are controlled by the Jamulus interface on your computer or device. Everyone controls their own headphone mixes.
- The delay. When you play your instrument, you may perceive a delay in hearing your sound in your headphones. The amount of delay is determined by numerous factors, but if you set your headphone volume loud enough for your room/original sound to be secondary, you will get used to adjusting your timing to be in sync with the combined parts coming from the whole group.
Jazz Night School Live Online Combo equipment
Jazz Night School Live Online Combo equipment is available to students who have difficulty managing technology, or don’t want to purchase, or cannot afford to purchase equipment of their own. Our kits allow students to simply plug in and connect to our online rehearsal room. At this time there is no rental fee required for using a JNS Live Online Combo kit but suggested donations of $50 to $100 per ten-week session will gratefully be accepted to help with the equipment fund.