Jazz About Town - Participant Page

Thank you for your participation and help in bringing Jazz Night School to the streets of Columbia City while raising funds for Jazz Night School’s Tuition Assistance Fund! Jazz About Town is one of Jazz Night School’s most important annual fundraisers, ensuring that anyone who wants to join our adult jazz education community may do so.
Did you know that Jazz Night School depends on donations to help fund its mission? Tuition fees only cover HALF of our operating costs.
All participants are asked to secure donations/sponsorships totaling at least $250. You can reach out to your friends, employers, and family to collectively raise the contribution. They can donate at https://jazznightschool.org/pages/jazz-about-town.
Register today to provide us with important information and reserve your spot!
Jazz About Town Instructions
Here’s how Jazz About Town works:
Jazz Night School students and teachers will be taking over the streets of Columbia City, playing jazz at two locations from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm.
- Dates of performances: Saturdays July 17th, July 24th, July 31st, and August 7th
- Two groups will be performing on each of these Saturdays at these locations: Geraldine’s Counter and Columbia City Bouquet, each on opposite corners of Rainier and Ferdinand.
- Groups and locations will be pre-assigned. If you have questions about your group or location please contact Gordon Thomson.
- There will be a bandleader at each venue to keep the event organized.
- Ensembles, the set list, and a schedule will be planned by the ensemble in advance.
- If you need songs and music:
- Need music? A downloadable/printable Jazz Night School Gig Book is provided upon request.
- FYI: You may repeat blocks of songs in one-hour rotations for each three-hour shift.
- Pre-assembled ensembles can have their own music prepared.
- If you are a vocalist, many songs in the Jazz Night School Gig Book can be sung and are included in several vocalist keys.
- Dress Code:
- Everyone will wear a JNS t-shirt, provided the day of the event.
- Week before your performance:
- Your group leader will be responsible for confirming your performance date, location and coordinating equipment needs, etc.
- Each musician is responsible for transporting, setting up and removing their own instruments, music, umbrellas, etc. Be sure to inventory all of your needs in advance.
- However, if you have special needs or requests, PLEASE BE SURE TO REACH OUT TO PATTI FRENCH WITH THESE REQUESTS (see below), no later than two days before your performance. We will do our best to assist everyone.
- Day before your performance:
- Check the WEATHER. We are counting on sunshine, but it is Seattle after all! Be sure to bring sunscreen, a hat (preferably a JNS hat…), water, a snack, chairs, umbrellas, etc.
- Check with your band leader or Gordon Thomas to confirm the location to which you are assigned.
- Day of your performance:
- Power chords, music stands and chairs will be provided by JNS.
- Arrive at your assigned location by AT LEAST 8:30. There is space to off load equipment but you must park your vehicle elsewhere.
- There will be a table set up adjacent to your performance area with JNS handouts.
If you have more questions after reviewing this, please feel free to call or email Patti French: (908) 581-9881 | patriciaf@jazznightschool.org